How to move the first x files

mv `ls | head -500` ./subfolder1/

With zsh:

mv -- *(D.oN[1,5000]) ./subfolder1

To move up to 5000 regular files in the order they are in the directory.

For the first 5000 in the lexicographically sorted list:

mv -- *(D.[1,5000]) ./subfolder1

If you get an error about arg list too long. You can use zsh's buitin mv command by issuing:

zmodload zsh/files



set --
for f in .* *; do
  [ "$#" -lt 5000 ] || break
  [ -f "$f" ] || continue
  [ -L "$f" ] && continue
  set -- "$@" "$f"
mv -- "$@" subfolder1/

A version that is simple and supports special chars, spaces, etc.

ls -Q dir1 | head -1000 | xargs -i mv dir1/{} dir2/

For this to work as-is dir2 must exist and you have to execute it from the parent directory of dir1 and dir2.

This will move 1000 files from dir1 to dir2.