How to nest a graph within a node in TikZ and draw edges between the graphs?
Here's a little example: two "outer" nodes, each one containing a graph (formed with "inner" nodes) and some edges and arrows connecting outer nodes to outer nodes, and inner nodes from one graph to inner nodes of the other; the remember picture
option lets you access inner and outer nodes at any time:
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,
inner/.style={circle,draw=blue!50,fill=blue!20,thick,inner sep=3pt},
outer/.style={draw=green,fill=green!20,thick,inner sep=10pt}
\node[outer,draw=green] (A) {
\node [inner,draw=blue] (ai) {A1};
\node [inner,draw=blue,below=of ai] (aii) {A2};
\node [inner,draw=blue,right=of aii] (aiii) {A3};
\draw[red,thick] (ai) -- (aii) -- (aiii) -- (ai);
\node[outer,draw=green,right=of A] (B) {
\node [inner,draw=blue] (bi) {B1};
\node [inner,draw=blue,below=of bi] (bii) {B2};
\node [inner,draw=blue,right=of bii] (biii) {B3};
\node [inner,draw=blue,right=of bi] (biv) {B4};
\draw[red,thick] (bi) -- (bii) -- (biii) -- (biv) -- (bi) -- (biii);
\draw[thick,orange,->] (ai) -- (bii);
\draw[orange,->] (aiii) -- (bi);
\draw[orange,->] (A.90) -- ($(A.90)+(0,1)$) -| (B);
I don't know the kind of problems that OP has with TiKZ matrices
but Gonzalo's example is the kind of graph where a matrix
is really helpful.
inner/.style={circle,draw=blue!50,fill=blue!20,thick,inner sep=3pt},
outer/.style={draw=green,fill=green!20,thick,inner sep=10pt, column sep=1cm, row sep=1cm}
\matrix (A) [matrix of nodes, outer, nodes={inner}]{
A1 \\
A2 & A3\\
\matrix (B) [matrix of nodes, outer, nodes={inner}, right=of A]{
B1 & B4\\
B2 & B3\\
\draw[red, thick] (A-1-1)--(A-2-1)--(A-2-2)--(A-1-1);
\draw[red, thick] (B-1-1)--(B-1-2)--(B-2-2)--(B-2-1)--(B-1-1);
\draw[thick, orange,->] (A-1-1)--(B-2-1);
\draw[thick, orange,->] (A-2-2)--(B-1-1);
\draw[thick, orange,->] (A.north)--([yshift=1cm]A.north)-|(B);