How to obtain these ODE solutions using DSolve?
Let $F(x,y,y')=0$ be the differential equation, and suppose $y_C = y(x; C)$ is a solution for any complex number $C$. Then $F(x,y_C,y'(C))=0$ for all $C$. Then $$0=\lim_{C\rightarrow\infty}F(x,y_C,y'(C)) \buildrel ? \over = F(x,\lim_{C\rightarrow\infty} y_C, \lim_{C\rightarrow\infty} y'_C)\,.$$ So if the limits of $y_C$ and $y'_C$ exist, the limit of $y'_C$ is the derivative of the limit of $y_C$, and the limit may be brought inside $F$, then the limit of $y_C$ will be a solution. The hypotheses are often true if the limit of $y_C$ exists.
Here is a way to hack into DSolve
and try to solve for the solution at $C=\infty$. It does so projectively: Treat the parameter $C = [v:w]$ as an element of the (complex) projective line, so that $\infty = [1:0]$. We convert the infinite solution to a limit by defining an upvalue for a special head limitRule
that invokes Limit
when the rule is used in ReplaceAll
. It took a little experimentation to determine the form of ReplaceAll
that DSolve
calls. This is specifically restricted to single-parameter solutions, that is, first-order equations. It could be extended to multiple parameters.
ClearAll[projSolve, limitRule, withProjectiveParameters];
projSolve[eq_, {v_}, rest___] :=
Module[{w, sol},
sol = Solve[eq, {v}, rest]; (* could skip to proj. solver *)
If[sol === {},(* solve over projective line if regular Solve[] fails *)
sol = Solve[
Flatten@{eq /.
v -> v/w, (w == 1 && -1 <= v <= 1) || (v == 1 &&
0 <= w < 1) || (v == -1 && 0 < w < 1)}, {v, w}, rest];
If[sol =!= {}, (* the only solution should be ComplexInfinity *)
sol = limitRule @@ (List /@ Thread[v -> (v/w /. sol)])]
limitRule /:
ReplaceAll[HoldPattern[{v_ -> body_}],
limitRule[rules : {_ -> _} ..]] := v -> Limit[body, #] & /@ rules;
SetAttributes[withProjectiveParameters, HoldFirst];
withProjectiveParameters[ds_DSolve] :=
Internal`InheritedBlock[{Solve}, Unprotect[Solve];
call : Solve[eq_, v_, opts___] /; ! TrueQ[$in] := Block[{$in = True},
Hold[call] /.
Hold[Solve[e_, {c_}, o___]] /; ! FreeQ[e, _C] :>
projSolve[e, {c}, o] // ReleaseHold
Example 1:
ode = y'[x] == (x^2 + y[x]^2)/(2 x^2);
ic = y[-1] == -1;
withProjectiveParameters[DSolve[{ode, ic}, y, x]]
(* {y -> Function[{x}, x]} *)
Example 2:
ode = (x + y[x]) + (x - y[x])*y'[x] == 0;
ic = y[0] == 0;
withProjectiveParameters[DSolve[{ode, ic}, y, x]]
Solve::ifun: Inverse functions are being used by Solve, so some solutions may not be found; use Reduce for complete solution information.
DSolve::bvnul: For some branches of the general solution, the given boundary conditions lead to an empty solution.
(* {{y -> Function[{x}, x - Sqrt[2] Sqrt[x^2]]}} *)
{ode, ic} /. % // Simplify
(* {{True, True}} *)
Example 1
ode1 = y'[x] == (x^2 + y[x]^2)/(2 x^2);
ic1 = y[-1] == -1;
The general solution is
solg1 = DSolve[ode1, y, x][[1]]
(* {y -> Function[{x}, (x (-2 + 2 C[1] + Log[x]))/(2 C[1] + Log[x])]} *)
Verifying the general solution,
ode1 /. solg1 // Simplify
(* True *)
The particular solution is the limiting case as C[1] -> Infinity
test1 = Limit[{y[x], y[-1]} /. solg1, C[1] -> Infinity]
(* {x, -1} *)
solp1 = y -> Function[{x}, Evaluate@#[[1]]] &@test1
(* y -> Function[{x}, x] *)
Verifying the particular solution,
{ode1, ic1} /. solp1
(* {True, True} *)
EDIT: Alternatively, temporarily generalize the initial condition
ic1r = y[-1] == k;
solp1r = y -> Function[{x},
Evaluate[y[x] /. DSolve[{ode1, ic1r}, y, x][[1]] /. k -> -1]]
(* y -> Function[{x}, x] *)
This is identical to solp1
solp1r === solp1
(* True *)
Example 2
ode2 = (x + y[x]) + (x - y[x])*y'[x] == 0;
ic2 = y[0] == 0;
The general solutions are
solg2 = DSolve[ode2, y, x]
(* {{y -> Function[{x}, x - Sqrt[E^(2 C[1]) + 2 x^2]]}, {y ->
Function[{x}, x + Sqrt[E^(2 C[1]) + 2 x^2]]}} *)
Verifying the general solutions,
ode2 /. solg2 // Simplify
(* {True, True} *)
The particular solutions are the limiting cases as C[1] -> -Infinity
test2 = Limit[{y[x], y[0]} /. solg2, C[1] -> -Infinity]
(* {{x - Sqrt[2] Sqrt[x^2], 0}, {x + Sqrt[2] Sqrt[x^2], 0}} *)
solp2 = {y -> Function[{x}, Evaluate@#[[1]]]} & /@ test2
(* {{y -> Function[{x}, x - Sqrt[2] Sqrt[x^2]]}, {y ->
Function[{x}, x + Sqrt[2] Sqrt[x^2]]}} *)
Verifying the particular solutions,
{ode2, ic2} /. solp2 // Simplify
(* {{True, True}, {True, True}} *)
EDIT: Alternatively, temporarily generalize the initial condition
ic2r = y[0] == k;
solp1r = y -> Function[{x}, Evaluate[y[x] /.
DSolve[{ode2, ic2r}, y, x][[1]] /. k -> 0]]
(* Solve::ifun: Inverse functions are being used by Solve, so some solutions may not be found; use Reduce for complete solution information.
Solve::ifun: Inverse functions are being used by Solve, so some solutions may not be found; use Reduce for complete solution information.
y -> Function[{x}, x - Sqrt[2] Sqrt[x^2]] *)
Note that this misses one of the particular solutions.