How to open or invoke the regexTester plugin in intellij IDEA
In IntelliJ, the RegEx plugin tester is available as an intention within source code. The intention should automatically appear when the cursor is within the regular expression pattern string. If the intention doesn't, try Alt + Enter
when cursor is within regular expression.
There are two main reasons why the intention does not appear:
- The Check RegExp Intention is disabled. Verify using
Ctrl + Shift + A
and enter textCheck RegExp
. - The IntelliLang plugin is disabled. Verify using 'Ctrl + Shift + A' and enter
. (In 2018.2 regular expression support is bundled within this plugin.)
Hope this helps you/others.
You could always try Ctrl + Shift + A
and typing Regex Tester
or just Regex
. It will also show you a shortcut, if there is one assigned.
In Intellij 1.5.06 (I guess that this is relevant to newer versions as well).
- Make sure it's installed and enabled (Restart Intellij if needed)
File->Setting->Search Plugins->Search RegexTester - Got to the icon on the lower left corner click and select RegexTester