How to optimize intersect of rows and columns in a matrix?

I wrote a coded_best_intersect function that relies on creating a for loop dynamically in a code_maker function. It evaluates M3 in 30 seconds. Because the code generates a list, I am depending on data.table for rbindlist and the print method.


code_maker function:

code_maker <- function(non_NA_M, n, k, min.col) {
  ## initializing for results
  res <- list()
  z <- 1
  ## initializing naming
  col_names <- colnames(non_NA_M)
  i_s <- paste0('i', seq_len(k))
  ## create the foor loop text. It looks like this mostly
  ## for (i1 in 1:(n - k + 1)) { for (i2 in (i1 + 1):(n-k+2)) {}}
  for_loop <- paste0('for (', i_s, ' in ', c('1:', paste0('(', i_s[-k], ' + 1):')), 
                     n - k + seq_len(k), ')', ' {\n non_na_sums', seq_len(k), 
                     '=non_NA_M[', i_s, ', ] ',
                     c('', paste0('& ', rep('non_na_sums', k - 1), seq_len(k)[-k])), '', 
                     '\n if (sum(non_na_sums', seq_len(k), ') < ', min.col, ') {next} ', 
  ## create the assignment back to the results which looks like
  ## res[[z]] <- data.table(M=k, N=sum(non_na_sumsk), ROWS=list(c(i1, i2, ..., ik)), 
  ##                        YEARS=list(col_names[non_na_sumsk]))
  inner_text <- paste0('\nres[[z]] <- data.table(M=k, N=sum(non_na_sums',
                       k, '), ROWS=list(c( ', paste0(i_s, collapse=', '), 
                       ')), YEARS=list(col_names[non_na_sums', k , ']))\nz <- z + 1')
  ## combines the loop parts and closes the for with }}}
  for_loop <- paste(for_loop, 
                    paste0(rep('}', k), collapse=''))
  ## evaluate - the evaluation will assign back to res[[i]]  
  res <- rbindlist(res)
  if (length(res) == 0) { #to return emtpy data.table with the correct fields
    return(data.table(M=integer(), N=integer(), ROWS=list(), YEARS=list()))
  res$M <- k

coded_best_intersect function:

coded_best_intersect <- function(M, min.row=5, min.col=3) {
  colnames(M) <- apply(M, 2, function(x) na.omit(x)[1])
  n_row <- nrow(M)
  non_NA <- !
  n_combos <- min.row:(n_row - 1)
  res2 <- list()
  for (i in seq_along(n_combos)) {
    res2[[i]] <- code_maker(non_NA, n=n_row, k=n_combos[i], min.col)
    if (nrow(res2[[i]]) == 0) {

This is e.g. the code generated on the fly for k=5:

# for (i1 in 1:5) {
#   non_na_sums1=non_NA_M[i1, ] 
#   if (sum(non_na_sums1) < 3) {next} 
#   for (i2 in (i1 + 1):6) {
#     non_na_sums2=non_NA_M[i2, ] & non_na_sums1
#     if (sum(non_na_sums2) < 3) {next} 
#     for (i3 in (i2 + 1):7) {
#       non_na_sums3=non_NA_M[i3, ] & non_na_sums2
#       if (sum(non_na_sums3) < 3) {next} 
#       for (i4 in (i3 + 1):8) {
#         non_na_sums4=non_NA_M[i4, ] & non_na_sums3
#         if (sum(non_na_sums4) < 3) {next} 
#         for (i5 in (i4 + 1):9) {
#           non_na_sums5=non_NA_M[i5, ] & non_na_sums4
#           if (sum(non_na_sums5) < 3) {next} 
#           for (i6 in (i5 + 1):10) {
#             non_na_sums6=non_NA_M[i6, ] & non_na_sums5
#             if (sum(non_na_sums6) < 3) {next}  
#             res[[z]] <- data.table(M=k, N=sum(non_na_sums6), 
#                                    ROWS=list(c( i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6)),
#                                    YEARS=list(col_names[non_na_sums6]))
#             z <- z + 1 }}}}}}

You can likely notice the {next} which is a way for it to skip a combination if there's no possible way to get a minimum of 3 columns. And while it looks like it is all hard-coded, the code is actually a string generated, parsed, and then evaluated.

Usage and Performance

Matrix M1:

system.time(final1 <- coded_best_intersect(M1))
   user  system elapsed 
      0       0       0 
   M N           ROWS          YEARS
1: 5 3  2, 4, 8, 9,10 2002,2004,2010

Matrix M2:

system.time(final2 <- coded_best_intersect(M2))
   user  system elapsed 
   0.08    0.00    0.08 
     M N                  ROWS               YEARS
  1: 7 3  6, 8,11,12,13,16,...      2002,2012,2013
  2: 5 4         6, 8,13,16,17 2002,2012,2013,2015
  3: 5 4         8,11,12,13,17 2002,2012,2013,2014
  4: 6 3      1, 4, 8,13,17,20      2002,2014,2015
  5: 6 3      2, 5, 6,10,14,17      2003,2006,2008
126: 5 3        10,12,13,17,20      2002,2008,2014
127: 5 3        10,12,14,17,20      2003,2008,2014
128: 5 3        11,12,13,16,17      2002,2012,2013
129: 5 3        11,12,13,17,20      2002,2012,2014
130: 5 3        12,13,15,16,19      2001,2002,2013

Matrix M3:

system.time(final3 <- coded_best_intersect(M3))
   user  system elapsed 
  29.37    0.05   29.54 
       M N              ROWS                             YEARS
    1: 6 7  1, 3, 8,15,20,29 1969,1973,1980,1984,1985,1992,...
    2: 5 8     1, 3, 8,14,29 1969,1973,1976,1980,1984,1987,...
    3: 5 8     1, 3, 8,20,29 1969,1973,1980,1984,1985,1992,...
    4: 5 8     2, 7, 9,13,17 1974,1993,1994,2004,2012,2013,...
    5: 5 8     3, 6, 8, 9,27 1974,1980,1984,1987,1995,1998,...
52374: 5 3    23,24,25,30,31                    1979,1997,2002
52375: 5 3    23,25,28,30,31                    1979,1992,2002
52376: 5 3    24,25,26,30,31                    1983,1997,2002
52377: 5 3    24,25,28,30,31                    1979,1983,2002
52378: 5 3    24,26,28,30,31                    1983,1986,2002

To put the selected part of a result into a character string, you can do e.g. the following:

x <- data.table::rbindlist(final3)[order(-M*N)]
el(x$YEARS[1])  # select `YEARS` of result-row `1:`
# [1] "1969" "1973" "1980" "1984" "1985" "1992" "2003"

Note: See edit history for two other very different approaches. The first was melt and join techniques which blew up the memory. The second approach was using RcppAlgos::comboGeneral to evaluate a function.

This is a trivial problem using mixed integer programming and can be solved very quickly even with weak open source solver like glpk. I am using ompr package for mathematical modeling (more info on ompr) and have included the model logic as comments in code. Note that my random data is different than OP's due to different R versions I guess.

Total run time was around a minute (i.e. actual solve time is even less) for M3 when model set to maximize data for at most 15 years. This method will easily scale up for even larger instances.


tf <- matrix(sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), 1488, replace=TRUE), 31)
M3 <- t(replicate(31, 1969:2016, simplify=TRUE))
M3[tf] <- NA

m <- +! # gets logical matrix; 0 if NA else 1    
nr <- nrow(m)
nc <- ncol(m)
n_years <- 15 

model <- MIPModel() %>% 
  # keep[i,j] is 1 if matrix cell [i,j] is to be kept else 0
  add_variable(keep[i,j], i = 1:nr, j = 1:nc, typ = "binary") %>% 
  # rm_row[i] is 1 if row i is selected for removal else 0
  add_variable(rm_row[i], i = 1:nr, type = "binary") %>% 
  # rm_col[j] is 1 if column j is selected for removal else 0
  add_variable(rm_col[j], j = 1:nc, type = "binary") %>% 
  # maximize good cells kept
  set_objective(sum_expr(keep[i,j], i = 1:nr, j = 1:nc), "max") %>% 
  # cell can be kept only when row is not selected for removal
  add_constraint(sum_expr(keep[i,j], j = 1:nc) <= 1 - rm_row[i], i = 1:nr) %>%
  # cell can be kept only when column is not selected for removal
  add_constraint(sum_expr(keep[i,j], i = 1:nr) <= 1 - rm_col[j], j = 1:nc) %>%
  # only non-NA values can be kept
  add_constraint(m[i,j] + rm_row[i] + rm_col[j] >= 1, i = 1:nr, j = 1:nc) %>% 
  # keep at most n_years columns i.e. remove at least (nc - n_years) columns
  # I used >= instead of == to avoid infeasiblity
  add_constraint(sum_expr(rm_col[j], j = 1:nc) >= nc - n_years) %>% 
  # solve using free glpk solver
  solve_model(with_ROI(solver = "glpk"))

Results -

# [1] "optimal"    <- indicates guaranteed optimum (at least one of the many possible)

# get rows to remove
rm_rows <- model %>% 
  get_solution(rm_row[i]) %>% 
  filter(value > 0) %>% pull(i) %>% print()

# [1]  1  2  3  4  6  8  9 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 27 28 29 30 31

# get columns to remove
rm_cols <- model %>% 
  get_solution(rm_col[j]) %>% 
  filter(value > 0) %>% pull(j) %>% print()

# [1]  2  3  4  5  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
# [24] 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 38 39 40 41 44 45 46 47 48

result <- M3[-rm_rows, -rm_cols, drop = F]

     [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6]
[1,] 1969 1974 1994 2005 2010 2011
[2,] 1969 1974 1994 2005 2010 2011
[3,] 1969 1974 1994 2005 2010 2011
[4,] 1969 1974 1994 2005 2010 2011
[5,] 1969 1974 1994 2005 2010 2011
[6,] 1969 1974 1994 2005 2010 2011