how to output to a text file in python code example
Example 1: how to write to a text file in python
#the way i learned it
#plus explanations
from sys import * #this is for making it more flexible
#so now we gotta open a file to write in
f = open("haha.txt", "w") # the w means WRITING
#now we gotta write something
f.write(str(argv[1])) # the str means change it into a string of letters
#argv[1] means it's the thing you type after the python run thing
#for example: "python helo"
#now we gotta finish it
#if you want to see whats in it...
f = open("haha.txt", "r") #r means READING
print( # this prints what you wrote
#example input and output
# python helo
# helo
Example 2: python output to text file
$ python > output.txt