How to overload |= operator on scoped enum?

Why strongly typed? Because my books say it is good practice.

Then your books are not talking about your use case. Unscoped enumerations are fine for flag types.

enum NumericType : int
    None                    = 0,

    PadWithZero             = 0x01,
    NegativeSign            = 0x02,
    PositiveSign            = 0x04,
    SpacePrefix             = 0x08

I got sick of all the boilerplate with enum arithmetic, and moved to idioms more like this:

struct NumericType {
    typedef uint32_t type;
    enum : type {
        None                    = 0,

        PadWithZero             = 0x01,
        NegativeSign            = 0x02,
        PositiveSign            = 0x04,
        SpacePrefix             = 0x08

This way I can still pass NumericType::type arguments for clarity, but I sacrifice type safety.

I considered making a generic template class to use in place of uint32_t which would provide one copy of the arithmetic overloads, but apparently I'm not allowed to derive an enum from a class, so whatever (thanks C++!).

inline NumericType& operator |=(NumericType& a, NumericType b)
    return a= a |b;

This works? Compile and run: (Ideone)

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

enum class NumericType
    None                    = 0,

    PadWithZero             = 0x01,
    NegativeSign            = 0x02,
    PositiveSign            = 0x04,
    SpacePrefix             = 0x08

inline NumericType operator |(NumericType a, NumericType b)
    return static_cast<NumericType>(static_cast<int>(a) | static_cast<int>(b));

inline NumericType operator &(NumericType a, NumericType b)
    return static_cast<NumericType>(static_cast<int>(a) & static_cast<int>(b));

inline NumericType& operator |=(NumericType& a, NumericType b)
    return a= a |b;

int main() {
    // your code goes here
    NumericType a=NumericType::PadWithZero;
    cout << static_cast<int>(a) ;
    return 0;

print 3.

This seems to work for me:

NumericType operator |= (NumericType &a, NumericType b) {
    unsigned ai = static_cast<unsigned>(a);
    unsigned bi = static_cast<unsigned>(b);
    ai |= bi;
    return a = static_cast<NumericType>(ai);

However, you may still consider defining a class for your collection of enum bits:

class NumericTypeFlags {
    unsigned flags_;
    NumericTypeFlags () : flags_(0) {}
    NumericTypeFlags (NumericType t) : flags_(static_cast<unsigned>(t)) {}
    //...define your "bitwise" test/set operations

Then, change your | and & operators to return NumericTypeFlags instead.