How to package and deploy a NuGet package with symbols and source code so that debugger can use THAT source code?

Back in Feb'2019 it was working. Few things which are not mentioned here and I added to csproj file are


I packaged with nuget and command used is:

nuget pack mynuget.nuspec -Symbols -SymbolPackageFormat snupkg

I was using VS 15.9.4 and nuget 4.9.3 at that time With this I could successfully debug nuget from network path . Not sure what changed in recent releases, its not working now.

Some fundamentals:

  • the debugger needs PDBs to enable debugging
  • a symbol package should contain PDBs (it is not merely a package with a different extension)
  • this symbol package should be published to a symbol repository that Visual Studio debugger can request symbols from


  1. See this doc for creating and publishing symbols package to (.snupkg)
  2. Then, see this doc for configuring visual studio to for using as a symbol source (use this value when adding a symbol server