How to paginate a JPA Query

For all JPA query objects (except for native SQL queries), you would use pagination through the setMaxResults(int) and setFirstResult(int) methods. For instance:

  return em.createNamedQuery("yourqueryname", YourEntity.class)
      .setFirstResult(pageIndex * noOfRecords)

JPA will perform the pagination for you.

Named queries are just predefined and can be cached, while other types are dynamically created.
So the choice is to use JPQL like:

Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT s FROM Submission s WHERE s.code = :code or = :id ORDER BY", Submission.class);

Or CriteriaBuilder api to form a similar query:

    CriteriaBuilder qb = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
    CriteriaQuery<Submission> cq = qb.createQuery(Submission.class);

    Root<Submission> root = cq.from(Submission.class);
    cq.where( qb.or( 
        qb.equal(root.get("code"), qb.parameter(String.class, "code")),
        qb.equal(root.get("id"), qb.parameter(Integer.class, "id"))
    Query query = em.createQuery(cq);

Don't forget to set the parameter values using query.setParameter("id", for example.

You can use Pageable in the repository method in Spring

public interface StateRepository extends JpaRepository<State, Serializable> {

@Query("select state from State state where state.stateId.stateCode = ?1")
public State findStateByCode(String code, Pageable pageable);


And in the service layer, you can create the Pageable object:

StateRepository stateRepository;

public State findStateServiceByCode(String code, int page, int size) {
    Pageable pageable = new PageRequest(page, size);
    Page<Order> statePage = stateRepository.findStateByCode(code, pageable);
    return statePage.getContent();