How to partially make a segment of a path dashed?
Just divide the path in three if you want the second part dashed.
If you write NodeName.degreee
(for example X.130
) you can position the end or the beginning of the path exactly where you need. Imagine the node is a circle angle with the east anchor = 0 degrees, so the south anchor is -90, the north = 90, the east = 180, etc.
rectangle, draw, fill=blue!20,
text width=5em, text centered, rounded corners, minimum height=4em
\node [block] (X) {X};
\node [block] [below left=of X] (A) {A};
\node [block] [above left=of X] (a) {a};
\node [block] [below right=of X] (B) {B};
\node [block] [above right=of X] (b) {b};
\draw (A) to[bend right] (X.-130) node[below left=4pt and 5pt] {$q(x)$};
\draw[dashed] (X.-130) to[bend right, looseness=.2] (X.130);
\draw[->] (X.130) to[bend right] (a);
\draw (B) to[bend left] (X.-50) node[below right=4pt and 5pt] {$f(x)$};
\draw[dashed] (X.-50) to[bend left, looseness=.2] (X.50);
\draw[->] (X.50) to[bend left] (b);
Edit: gorgeous marmot's answer could be simplified without using reverse clipping and putting the straight line behind the X node, like in marya's answer but using on background layer
from backgrounds
library to not draw it twice.
text width=5em, text centered, rounded corners, minimum height=4em, draw, fill=blue!20
\node[block] (X) {X};
\node [block] [below left=of X] (A) {A};
\node [block] [above left=of X] (a) {a};
\node [block] [below right=of X] (B) {B};
\node [block] [above right=of X] (b) {b};
\begin{scope}[on background layer]
\path[->] (A) edge[bend right=90] node[near start, above left] {$q(x)$} (a);
\path[->] (B) edge[bend left=90] node[near start, above right] {$f(x)$} (b);
\clip[rounded corners] (X.north west) rectangle (X.south east);
\path[->] (A) edge[bend right=90] (a);
\path[->] (B) edge[bend left=90] (b);
Well, the easiest solution I came up is this one
\tikzstyle{block} = [rectangle, draw, fill=blue!20,
text width=5em, text centered, rounded corners, minimum height=4em]
\node [block] (X) {X};
\node [block] [below left=of X] (A) {A};
\node [block] [above left=of X] (a) {a};
\node [block] [below right=of X] (B) {B};
\node [block] [above right=of X] (b) {b};
\path[->] (A) edge[bend right=90] node [left,pos=0.3] {$q(r)$} (a);
\path[->] (B) edge[bend left=90] node [right,pos=0.3] {$f(r)$} (b);
\node [block] (X) {X};
\path[->,dashed] (A) edge[bend right=90] node [left,pos=0.3] { } (a);
\path[->,dashed] (B) edge[bend left=90] node [right,pos=0.3] { } (b);
Here is a proposal using reverseclip
and use path
to draw the dashed path inside and the solid one outside. Please note that \tikzstyle
is slightly deprecated.
\makeatletter %
use path/.code={\pgfsyssoftpath@setcurrentpath{#1}}
\tikzset{remember path/.style={save path=\tmprotect}}
\tikzset{reverseclip/.style={insert path={(current bounding box.north
east) rectangle (current bounding box.south west)}}}
\tikzset{block/.style={rectangle, draw, fill=blue!20,
text width=5em, text centered, rounded corners, minimum height=4em}}
\node [block,save path=\pathX] (X) {X};
\node [block] [below left=of X] (A) {A};
\node [block] [above left=of X] (a) {a};
\node [block] [below right=of X] (B) {B};
\node [block] [above right=of X] (b) {b};
\clip[use path=\pathX,reverseclip];
\path[->] (A) edge[bend right=90] (a);
\path[->] (B) edge[bend left=90] (b);
\clip[use path=\pathX];
\path[->] (A) edge[bend right=90] (a);
\path[->] (B) edge[bend left=90] (b);