How to pass a custom prop from App to cell for react-table v7?

You can also do this on a Cell by Cell basis by passing a props object directly to the render function:

  { => cell.render('Cell', { test: 'this is a test'}))}

Then in your columns definition

columns: [
    Cell: (props) => {
      console.log(props.test) // the value is 'this is a test'
      return (
        <CustomComponent test={props.test} />

You can do it via using the column prop which is passed to the Cell component:

columns: [
    Header: "Description",
    accessor: "Description",
    onClick: () => { alert('click!'); },
    Cell: (props) => {
      return (
        <DescriptionCell onClick={props.column.onClick} country={props.row.values.Currency}>

Or if your function might be used by many other cell (like to update your backend) you could pass the function to the main Table component as in this example:


React Table