How to pass a parcelable object that contains a list of objects?

If class Product is compatible with parcelable protocol, following should work according to documentation.

products = new ArrayList<Product>();
in.readList(products, Product.class.getClassLoader());

In my personal experience, is an amazing site for this. You just create your class, and copy paste it into the website, and it generates a Parcelable version of your class.

I tested it with a class named "Theme" that contained the following variables:

private String name;
private int image;
private List<Card> cards;

The writeToParcel function becomes:

public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) {
    if (cards == null) {
        dest.writeByte((byte) (0x00));
    } else {
        dest.writeByte((byte) (0x01));

generated constructor:

protected Theme(Parcel in) {
    name = in.readString();
    image = in.readInt();
    if (in.readByte() == 0x01) {
        cards = new ArrayList<Card>();
        in.readList(cards, Card.class.getClassLoader());
    } else {
        cards = null;

EDIT: make sure that the Card object is also Parcelable!

First, your Product object must implements Parcelable.

And then, use dest.writeTypedList(products) in writeToParcel() method.

Finally, use following code to parse the list:

products = new ArrayList<Product>();
in.readTypedList(products, Product.CREATOR);

For more infomation, please reference the Official Document: