How to pass parameters with the action Helper of Ember.js?

Apparently, Ember has evolved now and there is an ability to pass a parameter to an action:

{{action "functionName" parameter}}

In your case, that would be:

<a {{bindAttr href="url"}} 
   {{action "appClicked" name on='click'}}>                

However, you could pass any attribute from the model (like the id) instead of the name.

See for more information.

I was thinking something more along the lines of this since you'll have access to a bunch more through an actual view. But Zack, if you could explain a bit more what exactly you're trying to do if this isn't what you're looking for?

App = Ember.Application.create();

App.peopleController = Ember.ArrayController.create({
    content: [ { name: 'Roy', url: '#' },
               { name: 'Mike', url: '#' }, 
               { name: 'Lucy', url: '#' } ]

App.PersonView = Ember.View.extend({
    tagName: 'li',
    content: null,
    linkClicked: function() {
{{#each App.peopleController}}
    {{#view App.PersonView contentBinding="this"}}
        <a {{bindAttr href="content.url"}} {{action "linkClicked" on="click"}}>

The API says you can pass in multiple parameters.

html and handlebars:

<button {{action "actionTest" "hello" "goodbye" officename}}>See parameters through action in the console</button>


actionTest: function(a, b, c){

See it in action in this jsbin