How to pass System property to docker containers?
Use the variable you passed into the container on the java command:
docker run -it -e "ENV=dev" myDockerImage
java -Denvironment=$ENV -jar myjar.jar
One more way to do it, if running under Tomcat, is setting your system variables in your Dockerfile using ENV JAVA_OPTS
like this:
ENV JAVA_OPTS=" -D_WS_URL=http://some/url/"
Hope it helps!
One can also use the following
ENTRYPOINT for the Docker container, make sure to use the array syntax, e.g.:
The actual script:
export JAVA_HOME="/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64"
exec $JAVA_HOME/bin/java -jar myjar.jar $@
Then you can just pass the Java system properties directly to your application as docker run container arguments:
docker run myDockerImage "-Dvar=var1"