How to perform an action based on Eloquent 'deleting' event when executing a mass delete statement in Laravel 5.4?
In the StoredFile
model add the following method, you have two choices :
the first :
protected static function boot() { parent::boot(); static::deleting(function(StoredFile $fileToDelete) { foreach ($fileToDelete->sizes as $size) { $size->delete(); } $fileToDelete->delete() }); }
The second :
protected static function boot() { parent::boot(); static::deleting(function(StoredFile $fileToDelete) { $size_ids = $fileToDelete->sizes()->lists('id'); StoredImageSize::whereIn($size_ids)->delete(); $fileToDelete->delete() }); }
Or create an observer for the StoredFile
model not for the StoredImageSize
, because as you said about the doc the delete event will not be cascaded for StoredImageSize elements ! And do the same as above in the deleting
method of StoredFileObserver