How to perform "Lookup" operation on Spark dataframes given multiple conditions

As B is small I think the best way to do this would be a broadcast variable and user defined function.

// However you get the data...
case class BType( A2: Int, B2: Int, C2 : Int, D2 : String)
val B = Seq(BType(1,1,1,"B111"), BType(1,1,2, "B112"), BType(2,0,0, "B200"))

val A = sc.parallelize(Seq((1,1,1, "DATA"), (1,1,2, "DATA"), (2, 0, 0, "DATA"), (2, 0, 1, "NONE"), (3, 0, 0, "NONE"))).toDF("A1", "B1", "C1", "OTHER")

// Broadcast B so all nodes have a copy of it.
val Bbradcast = sc.broadcast(B)

// A user defined function to find the value for D2. This I'm sure could be improved by whacking it into maps. But this is a small example. 
val findD = udf {( a: Int, b : Int, c: Int) => Bbradcast.value.find(x => x.A2 == a && x.B2 == b && x.C2 == c).getOrElse(Bbradcast.value.find(x => x.A2 == a && x.B2 == b).getOrElse(BType(0,0,0,"NA"))).D2 }

// Use the UDF in a select$"A1", $"B1", $"C1", $"OTHER", findD($"A1", $"B1", $"C1").as("D")).show

Just for reference a solution without UDFs:

val b1 = broadcast(b.toDF("A2_1", "B2_1", "C2_1", "D_1"))
val b2 = broadcast(b.toDF("A2_2", "B2_2", "C2_2", "D_2"))

// Match A, B and C
val expr1 = ($"A1" === $"A2_1") && ($"B1" === $"B2_1") && ($"C1" === $"C2_1")
// Match A and B mismatch C
val expr2 = ($"A1" === $"A2_2") && ($"B1" === $"B2_2") && ($"C1" !== $"C2_2")

val toDrop = b1.columns ++ b2.columns

  .join(b1, expr1, "leftouter")
  .join(b2, expr2, "leftouter")
  // If there is match on A, B, C then D_1 should be not NULL
  // otherwise we fall-back to D_2 
  .withColumn("D", coalesce($"D_1", $"D_2")) 
)((df, c) => df.drop(c))

This assumes there is at most one match in each category (all three columns, or the first two) or duplicate rows in the output are desired.


There are multiple factors to consider and there is no simple answer here:


  • broadcast joins require passing data twice to the worker nodes. As for now broadcasted tables are not cached (SPARK-3863) and it is unlikely to change in the nearest future (Resolution: Later).
  • join operation is applied twice even if there is a full match.


  • join and coalesce are transparent to the optimizer while UDFs are not.
  • operating directly with SQL expressions can benefit from all the Tungsten optimizations including code generation while UDF cannot.