How to pipe one readable stream into two writable streams at once in Node.js?

I found that zlib returns a readable stream which can be later piped into multiple other streams. So I did the following to solve the above problem:

var sourceFileStream = fs.createReadStream(sourceFile);
// Even though we could chain like
// sourceFileStream.pipe(zlib.createGzip()).pipe(response);
// we need a stream with a gzipped data to pipe to two
// other streams.
var gzip = sourceFileStream.pipe(zlib.createGzip());

// This will pipe the gzipped data to response object
// and automatically close the response object.

// Then I can pipe the gzipped data to a file.

Pipe chaining/splitting doesn't work like you're trying to do here, sending the first to two different subsequent steps:


However, you can pipe the same readable stream into two writeable streams, eg:

var fs = require('fs');

var source = fs.createReadStream('source.txt');
var dest1 = fs.createWriteStream('dest1.txt');
var dest2 = fs.createWriteStream('dest2.txt');
