how to play audio file in python code example
Example 1: play music from python
from playsound import playsound
Example 2: how to play sound in python
#TO playsound in your python code you need to install play sound module.
# To install playsound moudule-
#(1). Open Terminal
#(2). "In terminal only" type "pip install playsound"
# After installing playsound you need to write-
import playsound from playsound
# syntax of playsound command
# note: ````in python you need to specify path using double back slashes "\\",
# instead of single forward or back slash````
# please reaad the starting comments also they are very useful(ignore if readed)
# Enjoy :)
Example 3: play .ogg files with python
# Install pyglet before starting from the command line
>>> -m pip install pyglet
# The code :
import pyglet # Imports the module
pyglet.options['search_local_libs'] = True # Allows pyglet to access files in your directory
my_music ="Name_Of_My_Song.ogg") # Loads the audio file you want to play (it does not have to be a .ogg
my_player = # Creates a player
my_player.queue(my_music) # Adds your song to the players queue
my_player.loop = True # If you want the player to loop your song. By default this value is False # Starts playing your audio file when you run the app # Runs the app