how to play wav file in python?

The reason pygame changes your audio is mixer defaults to a 22k sample rate:

initialize the mixer module
pygame.mixer.init(frequency=22050, size=-16, channels=2, buffer=4096): return None

Your wav is probably 8k. So when pygame plays it, it plays roughly twice as fast. So specify your wav frequency in the init.

Pyglet has some problems correctly reading RIFF headers. If you have a very basic wav file (with exactly a 16 byte fmt block) with no other information in the fmt chunk (like 'fact' data), it works. But it makes no provision for additional data in the chunks, so it's really not adhering to the RIFF interface specification.

Works for me on Windows:

>>> from playsound import playsound
>>> playsound('/path/to/a/sound/file/you/want/to/play.wav')

NOTE: This has a bug in Windows where it doesn't close the stream. I've added a PR for a fix here:

PyGame has 2 different modules for playing sound and music, the pygame.mixer module and the module. This module contains classes for loading Sound objects and controlling playback. The difference is explained in the documentation:

The difference between the music playback and regular Sound playback is that the music is streamed, and never actually loaded all at once. The mixer system only supports a single music stream at once.

If you want to play a single wav file, you have to initialize the module and create a pygame.mixer.Sound() object from the file. Invoke play() to start playing the file. Finally, you have to wait for the file to play.

Use get_length() to get the length of the sound in seconds and wait for the sound to finish: (The argument to pygame.time.wait() is in milliseconds)

import pygame

my_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound('mysound.wav')
pygame.time.wait(int(my_sound.get_length() * 1000))

Alternatively you can use pygame.mixer.get_busy to test if a sound is being mixed. Query the status of the mixer continuously in a loop:

import pygame

my_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound('mysound.wav')

while pygame.mixer.get_busy():

You can use PyAudio. An example here on my Linux it works:

#!usr/bin/env python  

import pyaudio  
import wave  

#define stream chunk   
chunk = 1024  

#open a wav format music  
f ="/usr/share/sounds/alsa/Rear_Center.wav","rb")  
#instantiate PyAudio  
p = pyaudio.PyAudio()  
#open stream  
stream = = p.get_format_from_width(f.getsampwidth()),  
                channels = f.getnchannels(),  
                rate = f.getframerate(),  
                output = True)  
#read data  
data = f.readframes(chunk)  

#play stream  
while data:  
    data = f.readframes(chunk)  

#stop stream  

#close PyAudio  