How to position a Bootstrap popover?

Simply add an attribute to your popover! See my JSFiddle if you're in a hurry.

We want to add an ID or a class to a particular popover so that we may customize it the way we want via CSS.

Please note that we don't want to customize all popovers! This is terrible idea.

Here is a simple example - display the popover like this:

enter image description here

// We add the id 'my-popover'
    html : true,
    placement: 'bottom'
}).data('bs.popover').tip().attr('id', 'my-popover');
#my-popover {
    left: -169px!important;
#my-popover .arrow {
    left: 90%
<script src=""></script>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
<script src=""></script>

<button id="my-button" data-toggle="popover">My Button</button>

This works. Tested.

.popover {
    top: 71px !important;
    left: 379px !important;