How to prevent ng-click's triggering twice on label tag?

Use ng-change="updateSelected"

Use this only on the input since the change is triggered even if you click the label.

Well thats because label is the parent or container for the checkbox, so the click handler is attached to the complete container in your case, thereby whenever either label or checkbox is clicked, event is triggered.

Whats wrong with your approach:

  • Firstly never insert the input tags inside the label, thats not a good way to construct markup in html.In Angular.js this behaviour causes the click event to be triggered for both the tags. so to add a binding between input tag & label use the for attribute of label.
  • Using $event.stopPropagation() inside label actually stops all events from propagating/boiling to the top of the DOM from the label. this will not serve any purpose because the event would still propagate to the input with in the label.

I hope you can visualise what i'm saying.

What I have done:

  • Use for attribute to bind the input to the label & add a click event to prevent the default functionality.
  • Add the click handler to the respective input tag & not the label

    <label for="username" ng-click="$event.preventDefault();">Click me</label> <input type="text" id="username" ng-click="updateSelected();">

Live Demo @ JSFiddle

This way you don't have to worry about any conflicts in event handling,also its neat way to maintain the HTML code :)