How to print out the method name and line number in swift
For swift 4 and swift 5:
func printLog(_ message: String, file: String = #file, function: String = #function, line: Int = #line) {
let className = file.components(separatedBy: "/").last
print(" ❌ Error ----> File: \(className ?? ""), Function: \(function), Line: \(line), Message: \(message)")
// "❌ Error ----> File: classNameViewController.swift, function: functionName(), Line: 123, Message: messageError"
Literal Type Value
#file String The name of the file in which it appears.
#line Int The line number on which it appears.
#column Int The column number in which it begins.
#function String The name of the declaration in which it appears.
#dsohandle UnsafeMutablePointer The dso handle.
print("Function: \(#function), line: \(#line)")
With default values in parameters you can also create a function
public func track(_ message: String, file: String = #file, function: String = #function, line: Int = #line ) {
print("\(message) called from \(function) \(file):\(line)")
which can be used like this
track("enters app")
In Swift 2.1
Literal Type Value
__FILE__ String The name of the file in which it appears.
__LINE__ Int The line number on which it appears.
__COLUMN__ Int The column number in which it begins.
__FUNCTION__ String The name of the declaration in which it appears.
for more info see the documentation
You can use #function
, #file
, #line
Here is the implementation of log method in swift :
Below is the snippet
public func debugLog(object: Any, functionName: String = #function, fileName: String = #file, lineNumber: Int = #line) {
let className = (fileName as NSString).lastPathComponent
print("<\(className)> \(functionName) [#\(lineNumber)]| \(object)\n")