How to print really big numbers in C++

Your result is larger than the long long type - you need to look at a BigInteger or arbitrary precision library, something like gmp

Those numbers won't fit into any C++ data types. If you just want to print them, store the numbers in a string. If you want to do math on it, find an arbitrary precision math library and use that.

If you want literals this big in your code, you'll have to enter them as string literals and load them into a BigInt class of some sort. There's no way to express integer literals that big in source code right now (although C++0x will hopefully address that shortfall).

If you're using the BigInteger library, take a look at the stringToBigUnsigned function in BigIntegerUtils.hh for building a big integer from a string.

#include "BigUnsigned.hh"
#include "BigIntegerUtils.hh"     

 BigUnsigned  num1 = stringToBigUnsigned (