How to programmatically skip a test in mocha?

You can skip tests by placing an x in front of the describe or it block, or placing a .skip after it.

xit('should work', function (done) {});

describe.skip('features', function() {});

You can also run a single test by placing a .only on the test. for instance

describe('feature 1', function() {});
describe.only('feature 2', function() {});
describe('feature 3', function() {});

Only the feature 2 block would run in this case.

There doesn't appear to be a way to programmatically skip tests, but you could just do some sort of check in a beforeEach statement and only run the test if the flag was set.

    if (wrongEnvironment){
        runTest = false

describe('feature', function(){
         it('should work', function(){
            // Test would not run or show up if runTest was false,

This answer does work for ES6.

Instead of:

describe('your describe block', () => {

You want:

(condition ? describe : describe.skip)('your describe block', () => {

This conditionally skips all tests in the describe block IF the condition is false.

Or, instead of:

it('your it block', () => {

You want:

(condition ? it : it.skip)('your it block', () => {

This conditionally skips one test IF the condition is false.

Use Mocha's skip() function

It can be used to either statically to disable a test or entire suite, or dynamically skip it at runtime.

Here's an example runtime usage:

it('should only test in the correct environment', function() {
  if (/* check test environment */) {
    // make assertions
  } else {

