How to properly define NOx

\texorpdfstring requires two arguments: the first is what's typeset by TeX, the second what's passed on to hyperref for bookmarks and the like. So you should do





\section{Here's \nox and something else}

\nox is very dangerous.

enter image description here

Alternatively, you can do


so defining a proper replacement for hyperref's needs.

With fixltx2 an issue with \textsubstring is corrected. So please try the following MWE:


\usepackage{fixltx2e}% for \textsubscript



\nox Blafasel \noxa Blafasel 


The macro \texorpdfstring{first}{second}needs two arguments. The first is for the document (with subscruiption for example), the second if special things are not allowed (without: NOx).