How to pull out a substring in Ant

Since I prefer to use vanilla Ant, I use a temporary file. Works everywhere and you can leverage replaceregex to get rid of the part of the string you don't want. Example for munging Git messages:

    <exec executable="git" output="${git.describe.file}" errorproperty="git.error" failonerror="true">
        <arg value="describe"/>
        <arg value="--tags" />
        <arg value="--abbrev=0" />
    <loadfile srcfile="${git.describe.file}" property="git.workspace.specification.version">
           <headfilter lines="1" skip="0"/>
              <replaceregex pattern="\.[0-9]+$" replace="" flags="gi"/>

You could try using PropertyRegex from Ant-Contrib.

   <propertyregex property="destinationProperty"
              casesensitive="false" />

I guess an easy vanilla way to do this is:

<loadresource property="destinationProperty">
        <replaceregex pattern="regexToMatchSubstring" replace="\1" />

I use scriptdef to create a javascript tag to substring, for exemple:

  <scriptdef name="substring" language="javascript">
     <attribute name="text" />
     <attribute name="start" />
     <attribute name="end" />
     <attribute name="property" />
       var text = attributes.get("text");
       var start = attributes.get("start");
       var end = attributes.get("end") || text.length();
       project.setProperty(attributes.get("property"), text.substring(start, end));
  <target ...>
     <substring text="asdfasdfasdf" start="2" end="10" property="subtext" />
     <echo message="subtext = ${subtext}" />

