How to put two figures in the same page?

Some notes:

  • To solve your issue, to each figure add \begin{figure}[!htb]
  • Only one \centering is enough inside a figure/table environment, so you can remove the second one in each.
  • The "Figure 5 and Figure 6" you manually added can be done automatically by Latex, by adding \label{<your label>} inside of each figure then writing \ref{<your label>} or \cref{<your label>} (with the cleveref package) in the text. The label is of course, arbitrary.

cleveref offers some ways to customize your labels. For example

  • \cref{} = fig.
  • \Cref{} = Fig.

If you want to make all of them capitalized, then add capitalise to the package options. With a couple of additional commands we can make all of that bold, but I strongly suggest you don't use this because it will be too highlighted compared to the text.

Here's an example:

enter image description here



Meanwhile, we also generate figures about the distribution of debris based on size (\cref{top}, \cref{bottom}). 
    \caption{Spatial density of space debris ranging from 1cm to 10cm.}
    \caption{Spatial density of space debris larger than 10cm.} 

If you want the figures to be on the same page no matter what, use a single figure environment.



Meanwhile, we also generate figures about the distribution of debris based
on size (figures \ref{top}~and~\ref{bottom}).


\caption{Spatial density of space debris ranging from 1cm to 10cm.}\label{top}


\caption{Spatial density of space debris larger than 10cm.}\label{bottom}



Remember the p position specifier.

enter image description here

