How to query against exact values in XML column set

Specifying the text() node before the predicate will be more efficient than having text() in the predicate.

select *
from #ColumnSet as C
where AllValues.exist('*/text()[. = "POSITIVE"]') = 1

enter image description here

Query plan with text in the predicate AllValues.exist('*[text() = "POSITIVE"]') = 1

enter image description here

Here's an XPath solution, though I don't know how efficient it will be.

FROM #ColumnSet
WHERE AllValues.exist('//*[text() = "POSITIVE"]') = 1

Here's another xquery solution:

SELECT *, cs.AllValues.query('. [contains(., "POSITIVE")]')
FROM #ColumnSet AS cs
WHERE cs.AllValues.exist('. [contains(., "POSITIVE")]') = 1

Since you changed your sample data, the above won't work.

You could do this instead:

SELECT      cs.*
FROM        #ColumnSet AS cs
CROSS APPLY cs.AllValues.nodes('/*') AS x(c)
WHERE       x.c.exist('text()[. = "POSITIVE"]') = 1;

But I'm not sure how it will compete with Mikael's answer at scale.