How to quickly copy the current editing file name or full file path in Eclipse (Luna)?

You can use start explorer (alternate link) or Copy path plugin.
Short cut key to copy path to clipboard in star explorer is : Ctrl+Alt+ C

Standard eclipse eclipse doest have such key. You can select resource in Package/Project/Navigator view and press Alt+Enter to open property dialog and then copy path from here.

I am using Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web Developers.Version: Luna Release (4.4.0) Build id: 20140612-0600

You can right mouse click on the file and select "Copy Qualified Name".

enter image description here

For this particular example, the path in clipboard is


If using Eclipse 4.14 or later, from Dec 2019 or later, neither StartExplorer nor Path Tools nor Copy as Path works.

Instead, use EasyShell, which works great!

enter image description here

Additional note: as far as good Ecliplse plugins go in general, I also highly recommend the DevStyle plugin, set to "Dark Gray (Darkest Dark)" Workbench theme, with the DevStyle "Editor theme" (syntax highlighting) set to Sublime Text 3 (Monokai), by Jeremy Shepherd <-- Update Feb 2020: dead links. Instead, I've copied and pasted the contents of Jeremy Shepherd's .xml file at the bottom of this answer.

enter image description here

Sublime Text 3 (Monokai) - by Jeremy Shepherd--theme-25808.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<colorTheme id="25808" name="Sublime Text 3 (Monokai)" modified="2014-04-11 19:52:55" author="Jeremy Shepherd">
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Sublime Text 3 (Monokai) - by Jeremy Shepherd--theme-25808.epf:

Too long to post here. See my dotfiles project to download it instead.