How to quote a string containing dollar sign $ and single quote '?

Wow, some complex solutions here! I think all you need to do is this though:

find ./\$my\'dir -type d -exec sh -c 'ls "$1"' sh {} \;

Instead of putting the arguments into the sh command string, just use them as arguments to sh. Note the second sh is the value of $0, everything after that is a positional argument.

As for your full problem of finding directories not containing pdfs, you are usually always better off using find for this kind of thing rather than ls. This should be close to what you are looking for:

find . -type d \
  -exec sh -c '[ "$(find "$1" -maxdepth 1 -type f -iname "*.pdf")" = "" ]' sh {} \; \

Ok... here is a convoluted way to do it. It'll fail if the filenames contain new line characters.

  find . -type d -print0                          \ # get the directory list,
                                                  \ # separated by nulls
| xargs -0 ls -1 -d -Q --quoting-style=shell      \ # pick it with xargs, and use
                                                  \ # ls to apply shell quotes to each
                                                  \ # entry
| xargs -d '\n' -I '{}'                           \
        sh -c "ls {} | grep -qi \.pdf$ || echo {}"  # pick each quoted entry
                                                    # with xargs again
                                                    # (using -d, so it keeps the quotes)
                                                    # and insert it in the string

This relies on ls -Q --quoting-style=shell quoting with single quotes... otherwise, use single quotes on the argument to sh -c.
