How to receive images with the Telegram API?

Telegram support download file now with getFile:

You can see it in the api documentation:

It's possible to download the image from Telegram server. Do this:
1. Get the file using the getFile api

//Telegram link
$telegram_link = '' . $this->tg_configs['api_key'] . '/getFile?file_id=' . $photo['file_id'];

2. Get the file path //Create guzzle client $guzzle_client = new GuzzleClient();

//Call telegram
$request = $guzzle_client->get($telegram_link);
//Decode json
$json_response = json_decode($request->getBody(), true);
if ($json_response['ok'] == 'true') {

    //Telegram file link
    $telegram_file_link = '' . $this->tg_configs['api_key'] . '/' . $json_response['result']['file_path'];

3. If using PHP use Intervention/Image to download the image and save it on your server.

//Build upload path
$upload_path = public_path() . \Config::get('media::media.uploadPath');
//Get image
$image = $thumbnail = InterventionImage::make($telegram_file_link);

//Get mime
$mime = $image->mime();

if ($mime == 'image/jpeg') {
    $extension = '.jpg';
} elseif ($mime == 'image/png') {
    $extension = '.png';
} elseif ($mime == 'image/gif') {
    $extension = '.gif';
} else {
    $extension = '';
}//E# if else statement
//Resize images
$image->resize(\Config::get('media::media.mainWidth'), \Config::get('media::media.mainHeight'));
$thumbnail->resize(\Config::get('media::media.thumbnailWidth'), \Config::get('media::media.thumbnailHeight'));

//Build media name
$media_name = \Str::random(\Config::get('media::media.mediaNameLength')) . $extension;

//Save images
$image->save($upload_path . '/' . $media_name);
$thumbnail->save($upload_path . '/thumbnails/' . $media_name);