How to recursively search all parentNodes
You can traverse from an element up to the root looking for the desired tag:
function findUpTag(el, tag) {
while (el.parentNode) {
el = el.parentNode;
if (el.tagName === tag)
return el;
return null;
You call this method with your start element:
var el = document.getElementById("..."); // start element
var a = findUpTag(el, "A"); // search <a ...>
if (a) console.log(;
The following recursive function will return an ascending ordered array, with all the parents nodes for the provided DOM element, until BODY node is reached.
function parents(element, _array) {
if(_array === undefined) _array = []; // initial call
else _array.push(element); // add current element
// do recursion until BODY is reached
if(element.tagName !== 'BODY' ) return parents(element.parentNode, _array);
else return _array;
Usage :
var parentsArray = parents( document.getElementById("myDiv") );