How to reduce ClamAV memory usage?

ClamAV holds the search strings using the classic string (Boyer Moore) and regular expression (Aho Corasick) algorithms. Being algorithms from the 1970s they are extemely memory efficient.

The problem is the huge number of virus signatures. This leads to the algorithms' datastructures growing quite large.

You can't send those datastructures to swap, as there are no parts of the algorithms' datastructures accessed less often than other parts. If you do force pages of them to swap disk, then they'll be referenced moments later and just swap straight back in. (Technically we say "the random access of the datastructure forces the entire datastructure to be in the process's working set of memory".)

The datastructures are needed if you are scanning from the command line or scanning from a daemon.

You can't use just a portion of the virus signatures, as you don't get to choose which viruses you will be sent, and thus can't tell which signatures you will need.

Here's the memory used on a 32-bit machine running Debian Wheezy and it's clamd.

 Private  +   Shared  =  RAM used   Program
281.7 MiB + 422.5 KiB = 282.1 MiB   clamd

Edit: I see someone suggests setting the resident set size. If this succeeds then having a resident set size less than the working set size will lead to the process thrashing to and from swap. This will lower the entire system performance substantially. In any case the Linux manual page for setrlimit(RLIMIT_RSS, ...) says that setting the resident set size is no longer supported and never had any effect on processes which chose not to call madvise(MADV_WILLNEED, ...).

This answer is not verified and it might not work. It also does not answer how to reduce memory usage, but how to limit memory usage, which is a bit different.

You can edit the ClamAV init script (int /etc/init.d/ to add the command ulimit -m amountofram.
It will limit the possibility of ClamAV and you will probably swap which will probably slow down your whole system.

I've hit a similar problem running clamd on a small home NAS box with just 512MB. From a survey of questions across the net it seems that there isn't any way to reduce the memory usage. The database of nasty things just keeps getting bigger and bigger.

It is possible to configure clamav to run in non-daemon mode by installing "clamav" rather than "clamav-daemon". This may allow you to have more memory most of the time. When you scan uploads it's always going to need a large chunk of RAM.