Drupal - How to Reduce/Increase module's weight on the module install process?
Use hook_module_implements_alter()
rather than changing the module weight.
Sample implementation from content_translation.module:
function content_translation_module_implements_alter(&$implementations, $hook) {
switch ($hook) {
// Move our hook_entity_type_alter() implementation to the end of the list.
case 'entity_type_alter':
$group = $implementations['content_translation'];
$implementations['content_translation'] = $group;
// Move our hook_entity_bundle_info_alter() implementation to the top of the
// list, so that any other hook implementation can rely on bundles being
// correctly marked as translatable.
case 'entity_bundle_info_alter':
$group = $implementations['content_translation'];
$implementations = [
'content_translation' => $group,
] + $implementations;
There's an API for this now:
module_set_weight('your_module_name', 10);
You can also implement the hook as Ivan Jaros said, which allows for more fine-grained control (e.g. first for one hook, last for another, after a specific module for the third). But the module weight should work too.
If you use import/export configs, you can change module's weight in core.extension.yml
file, number after module's name is weight.