How to reference a map's keySet() and individual map elements within Visualforce? Get 'Unknown function' error
The Visualforce for this situation is this:
<apex:repeat value="{!myMap}" var="fieldKey">
key: {!fieldKey }
value: {!myMap[fieldKey]}
because the map key is automatically used by the apex:repeat
and square brackets are the expression language way of looking up a value in a map.
Most of the time the lack of ordering of the map keys isn't a good thing; iterating over a separate controller property that contains a sorted list of the key values instead is a way to address that:
public List<String> orderedKeys {
get {
List<String> keys = new List<String>(myMap.keySet());
return keys;
See this answer for some examples of how the ordering of the keys is now more predictable.