How to refresh the parent window after opening a pop up window from inline page?

1 -> add a function in your inline page that executes window.parent.location=

function refreshParent(){

2 -> In the popup execute


rather than trying to refresh directly from the popup?

TO be be clear and precise the answer for this with sample code is below

<apex:page standardController="Account" extensions="Accountctrl">
<apex:form >
  function openwindow(){"/apex/pagereal", "myWindow", "width=200, height=100");
  function navigate(){'';//Parent function that redirects
<apex:pageBlock >
 <apex:pageBlockSection columns="1" id="Test" >
  <apex:inputcheckbox value="{!test.istest__c}" label="Same as Above">
    <apex:actionSupport event="onchange" rerender="Test" />
<apex:outputPanel rendered="{!NOT(test.istest__c)}"> 
<apex:inputField value="{!test.Campaign__c}" />
<apex:inputField value="{!test.cust_vendor__c}" />

The code for popup will be as below

<apex:page >
 <!-- Begin Default Content REMOVE THIS -->
 This is your new Page


 function test(){
     window.opener.navigate();//call the parent function from child window and that does the trick

  <apex:form >
 <!-- End Default Content REMOVE THIS -->
  <apex:commandButton onclick="test()" value="Test"/>