How to refresh token in Nestjs

Refresh token implementation could be handled in canActivate method in custom auth guard.

If the access token is expired, the refresh token will be used to obtain a new access token. In that process, refresh token is updated too.

If both tokens aren't valid, cookies will be cleared.

export class CustomAuthGuard extends AuthGuard('jwt') {
  private logger = new Logger(;

    private readonly authService: AuthService,
    private readonly userService: UserService,
  ) {

  async canActivate(context: ExecutionContext): Promise<boolean> {
    const request = context.switchToHttp().getRequest();
    const response = context.switchToHttp().getResponse();

    try {
      const accessToken = ExtractJwt.fromExtractors([cookieExtractor])(request);
      if (!accessToken)
        throw new UnauthorizedException('Access token is not set');

      const isValidAccessToken = this.authService.validateToken(accessToken);
      if (isValidAccessToken) return this.activate(context);

      const refreshToken = request.cookies[REFRESH_TOKEN_COOKIE_NAME];
      if (!refreshToken)
        throw new UnauthorizedException('Refresh token is not set');
      const isValidRefreshToken = this.authService.validateToken(refreshToken);
      if (!isValidRefreshToken)
        throw new UnauthorizedException('Refresh token is not valid');

      const user = await this.userService.getByRefreshToken(refreshToken);
      const {
        accessToken: newAccessToken,
        refreshToken: newRefreshToken,
      } = this.authService.createTokens(;

      await this.userService.updateRefreshToken(, newRefreshToken);

      request.cookies[ACCESS_TOKEN_COOKIE_NAME] = newAccessToken;
      request.cookies[REFRESH_TOKEN_COOKIE_NAME] = newRefreshToken;

      response.cookie(ACCESS_TOKEN_COOKIE_NAME, newAccessToken, COOKIE_OPTIONS);

      return this.activate(context);
    } catch (err) {
      return false;

  async activate(context: ExecutionContext): Promise<boolean> {
    return super.canActivate(context) as Promise<boolean>;

  handleRequest(err, user) {
    if (err || !user) {
      throw new UnauthorizedException();

    return user;

Attaching user to the request is done in validate method in JwtStrategy class, it will be called if the access token is valid

export class JwtStrategy extends PassportStrategy(Strategy) {
    readonly configService: ConfigService,
    private readonly userService: UserService,
  ) {
      jwtFromRequest: cookieExtractor,
      ignoreExpiration: false,
      secretOrKey: configService.get('jwt.secret'),

  async validate({ id }): Promise<User> {
    const user = await this.userService.get(id);
    if (!user) {
      throw new UnauthorizedException();

    return user;

Example for custom cookie extractor

export const cookieExtractor = (request: Request): string | null => {
  let token = null;
  if (request && request.signedCookies) {
    token = request.signedCookies[ACCESS_TOKEN_COOKIE_NAME];
  return token;

Instead of using the built-in AuthGuard you can create your own one and overwrite the request handler:

export class MyAuthGuard extends AuthGuard('jwt') {

  handleRequest(err, user, info: Error) {
    if (info instanceof TokenExpiredError) {
      // do stuff when token is expired
      console.log('token expired');
    return user;


Depending on what you want to do, you can also overwrite the canActivate method where you have access to the request object. Have a look at the AuthGuard sourcecode.