How to register RouterFunction in @Bean method in Spring Boot 2.0.0.M2?

I found the issue.

I had those dependencies both in my pom.xml:


removed the spring-boot-starter-web dependency and webflux started working properly.

Another solution was to keep the web dependency and exclude tomcat so netty started working:


No need add spring-boot-starter-web when you want to use Webflux, just add spring-boot-starter-webflux into project dependencies.

For your codes, remove @RequestMapping("/routes") if want to use pure RouterFunction. And your routingFunction bean does not specify which HTTP method will be used.

A working sample codes from my github:

public RouterFunction<ServerResponse> routes(PostHandler postController) {
    return route(GET("/posts"), postController::all)
        .andRoute(POST("/posts"), postController::create)
        .andRoute(GET("/posts/{id}"), postController::get)
        .andRoute(PUT("/posts/{id}"), postController::update)
        .andRoute(DELETE("/posts/{id}"), postController::delete);

Check the complete codes from:

If you are stick on traditional @RestController and @RequestMapping, check another sample: