How to reload in the Android emulator window when developing React Native Apps?
You can add keyboard for the emulator by doing these steps:
* On Windows
- Go to "C:\Users\<your name>\.android\avd\<your emulator name>.avd" folder
- Edit file config.ini
- Change hw.keyboard=yes (default is no)
* On Ubuntu
- ${HOME}/.android/avd/<avd name>/config.ini
Regards, LCD
I think when they say double tap R, they mean on the keyboard within the emulator (i.e., the keyboard for the phone). But I usually reload using the dev menu. I think it would be Ctrl + M for Windows to access that.
Go to AVD manager and click edit on the action column to your emulator
Click on "Show Advanced Settings" Button
- Scroll to the bottom then check on the checkbox that says "enable keyboard Input"
- Click the finish button at the bottom right corner then restart your Emulator.