How to reload/refresh model from database in Laravel?

There was a commit submitted to the 4.0 branch made in August to add a reload() method, but so far it hasn't been merged with the newer Laravel branches.

But... Laravel 5 is providing a "fresh()" method that will return a new instance of the current model. Once you're using Laravel 5.0 or newer, you can reload a model like this:

$model = $model->fresh(); 

Note that fresh() doesn't directly update your existing $model, it just returns a new instance, so that's why we need to use "$model = ". It also accepts a parameter which is an array of relations that you want it to eager load.

If you aren't yet using Laravel 5 but you want the same functionality, you can add this method to your model(s):

public function fresh(array $with = array())
    $key = $this->getKeyName();
    return $this->exists ? static::with($with)->where($key, $this->getKey())->first() : null;

Update: If you're using Laravel 5.4.24 or newer, there is now a $model->refresh() method that you can use to refresh the object's attributes and relationships in place rather than fetching a new object like fresh() does. See Jeff Puckett answer for more specifics on that.

  • refresh() is a mutable operation: It will reload the current model instance from the database.
  • fresh() is an immutable operation: It returns a new model instance from the database. It doesn't affect the current instance.
// Database state:
  'name' => 'John',

// Model (memory) state:
$user->name = 'Sarah';

$user2 = $user->fresh();
// $user->name => 'Sarah';
// $user2->name => 'John'

// $user->name => 'John'

Thanks to PR#19174 available since 5.4.24 is the refresh method.


This way you don't have to deal with reassignment as is shown in other answers with the fresh method, which is generally not helpful if you want to refresh a model that's been passed into another method because the variable assignment will be out of scope for the calling contexts to use later.