how to remove attributes from a Mongoid Model, i.e., not just nullifying their values

You could do this:

                        {'$unset' => {:groupable_type => 1}},
                        :multi => true)

As of version 5.0.0 of Mongoid, the gem has switched from using Moped to use the 'official ruby MongoDB driver' which has a different syntax for updates. Reference:

The documentation for collection methods is here:

There are 2 methods, "update" and "update_many". You can use update_many instead of specifying the 'multi' option to update all documents.

Example use for the OPs case:

Group.collection.update_many({}, {'$unset' => {'groupable_type' => true}})

Note you can unset embedded documents using dot notation:

Group.collection.update_many({}, {'$unset' => {'embedded_doc.groupable_type' => true}})

Note it is not well supported by MongoDB to unset / update fields within an array. See this thread for info and workarounds: