How to remove Create and Edit... from many2one field.?

Many2one widget (default)

Options : Other possible options you can use with this widget.

  • no_quick_create - It will remove Create "entered text" option.
  • no_create_edit - It will remove Create and edit... option.
  • no_create - no_quick_create and no_create_edit combined.
  • no_open - in read mode: do not render as a link.


<field name="field_name" options="{'no_quick_create': True, 'no_create_edit' : True}"/>

You can refer it from Ludwik Trammer's post

It is tested in openerp v7.0 , in which we can remove 'create and edit' by downloading a module present at,

and adding attribute 'create':false, 'create_edit': false like this

    <field name="partner_id" options="{'limit': 10, 'create': false, 'create_edit': false}"/>

A nice tutorial about this is given here

I don't have much idea. Maybe for that you have to make changes in web addons.

But an alternative solution is that you can make that many2one field selection. Add widget="selection" attribute in your xml.

<field name="Your_many2one_field" widget="selection">

For Odoo 8.0 and 9.0, you should use no_create and no_open.

no_create: Set to True to disable the option the create a new entry inside the drop down list.

no_open: Set to True to disable the button to the right of the drop down list which popup a windows allowing to edit the selected instance.

<field name="field_name"  options="{'no_create': True, 'no_open': True}" />