How to remove docker support from an ASP.NET Core project?

If you look in your project folder you should see a user settings file called <projectname>.csproj.user.

Within this file it may look like the following

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project ToolsVersion="15.0" xmlns="">

Just change




You may be able to just delete this file as it is user settings and there may be nothing else relevant in the file, please check.

Please backup before any changes.

Goto launchSettings.json file Locataed in : <YourProjectName>/Properties/launchSettings.json

Remove This lines :

 "Docker": {
  "commandName": "Docker",
  "launchBrowser": true,
  "launchUrl": "{Scheme}://{ServiceHost}:{ServicePort}/...",
  "publishAllPorts": true,
  "useSSL": true

I ran into same situation and wanted to remove Docker support for my project Visual Studio 2017 and .NET Framework 4.6.1 project (not asp.Net Core) but i believe this will work for Asp .Net Core projects too :

  • In the project explorer, look for a project named "docker-compose"

  • Right click and select option "Unload project". As soon as this
    project is unloaded you will see the IIS/browser options for running your project

If you ever wanted to re-enable docker support, please select the project "docker-compose" and click "Reload Project" this will remove all IIS/browser options and set Docker

Go to your project dependencies and check if you have any container package added. If you do, remove the container package and rebuild.