How to remove duplicate entries from an array?

As of MongoDB 2.2 you can use the aggregation framework with an $unwind, $group and $project stage to achieve this:

db.users.aggregate([{$unwind: '$favorites.books'},
                    {$group: {_id: '$_id',
                              books: {$addToSet: '$favorites.books'},
                              name: {$first: '$name'}}},
                    {$project: {'favorites.books': '$books', name: '$name'}}

Note the need for the $project to rename the favorites field, since $group aggregate fields cannot be nested.

function unique(arr) {
    var hash = {}, result = [];
    for (var i = 0, l = arr.length; i < l; ++i) {
        if (!hash.hasOwnProperty(arr[i])) {
            hash[arr[i]] = true;
    return result;

db.collection.find({}).forEach(function (doc) {
    db.collection.update({ _id: doc._id }, { $set: { "favorites.books": unique(doc.favorites.books) } });

What you have to do is use map reduce to detect and count duplicate tags .. then use $set to replace the entire books based on { "_id" : ObjectId("4f6cd3c47156522f4f45b26f"),

This has been discussed sevel times here .. please seee

Removing duplicate records using MapReduce

Fast way to find duplicates on indexed column in mongodb

How to remove duplicate record in MongoDB by MapReduce?

The easiest solution is to use setUnion (Mongo 2.6+):

    {'$addFields': {'favorites.books': {'$setUnion': ['$favorites.books', []]}}}

Another (more lengthy) version that is based on the idea from @kynan's answer, but preserves all the other fields without explicitly specifying them (Mongo 3.4+):

> db.users.aggregate([
    {'$unwind': {
        'path': '$favorites.books',
        // output the document even if its list of books is empty
        'preserveNullAndEmptyArrays': true
    {'$group': {
        '_id': '$_id',
        'books': {'$addToSet': '$favorites.books'},
        // arbitrary name that doesn't exist on any document
        '_other_fields': {'$first': '$$ROOT'},
      // the field, in the resulting document, has the value from the last document merged for the field. (c) docs
      // so the new deduped array value will be used
      '$replaceRoot': {'newRoot': {'$mergeObjects': ['$_other_fields', "$$ROOT"]}}
    // this stage wouldn't be necessary if the field wasn't nested
    {'$addFields': {'favorites.books': '$books'}},
    {'$project': {'_other_fields': 0, 'books': 0}}

{ "_id" : ObjectId("4f6cd3c47156522f4f45b26f"), "name" : "robert", "favorites" : 
{ "books" : [ "The Art of Computer Programmning", "Graph Theory", "Algorithms in C++" ] } }