How to remove git account from local machine and add new account

For windows machine

you can manage windows credential for doing this

go to search button then write

manage windows credential

then you will find a button double click it

then remove your current windows credential

after that when you are using git again git authentication will be asked

then you will enter your new github id

Next you need to edit .gitconfig file

file path will be like


here imu is my user name it will be different in yours

Now edit .gitconfig file using text editor like nodepad++ or sublime text with ur current id information

hoping it helps

You can use Credential Manager for adding/deleting/modifying existing Github accounts. Steps:

  1. Go to Start -> Type 'Credential Manager' -> Open Credential Manager
  2. Below window will be displayed

enter image description here

  1. Go to 'Windows Credentials' -> Generic Credentials
  2. You will see an entry for Github

enter image description here

  1. Click on the entry -> You will see below options

enter image description here

  1. You can edit the entry -> Add new username and password -> Click on Save

enter image description here

Hope this helps!


