How to remove multiple elements from Set/Map AND knowing which ones were removed?

More concise solution, but still with unwanted side effect in the filter call:

Set<K> removedKeys =

Set.remove already returns true if the set contained the specified element.

 P.S. In the end, I would probably stick with the "old-school code".

The “old-school code” should rather be

public Set<K> removeEntries(Map<K, ?> from) {
    Set<K> fromKeys = from.keySet(), removedKeys = new HashSet<>(keysToRemove);
    return removedKeys;

Since you said that keysToRemove is rather small, the copying overhead likely doesn’t matter. Otherwise, use the loop, but don’t do the hash lookup twice:

public Set<K> removeEntries(Map<K, ?> from) {
    Set<K> fromKeys = from.keySet();
    Set<K> removedKeys = new HashSet<>();
    for(K keyToRemove : keysToRemove)
        if(fromKeys.remove(keyToRemove)) removedKeys.add(keyToRemove);
    return removedKeys;

You can express the same logic as a stream as

public Set<K> removeEntries(Map<K, ?> from) {

but since this is a stateful filter, it is highly discouraged. A cleaner variant would be

public Set<K> removeEntries(Map<K, ?> from) {
    Set<K> result =
    return result;

and if you want to maximize the “streamy” usage, you can replace from.keySet().removeAll(result); with from.keySet().removeIf(result::contains), which is quiet expensive, as it is iterating over the larger map, or with result.forEach(from.keySet()::remove), which doesn’t have that disadvantage, but still, isn’t more readable than removeAll.

All in all, the “old-school code” is much better than that.