How to remove only one or two fields from documents in mongodb?

You need to explicitly include fields when using aggregation either via various pipeline operations or via $project. There currently isn't a way to return all fields unless explicitly defined by field name:

$project : {
   _id : 0,
   "Name" : 1,
   "Address" : 1

You can exclude the _id using the technique you used and as shown above.

From v4.2, you can make use of $unset aggregate operator to remove single or multiple fields. You can also exclude a field or fields from an embedded document using the dot notation.

To remove a single field:

db.coll.aggregate([ { $unset: "_id" } ])

To remove multiple fields:

db.coll.aggregate([ { $unset: [ "_id", "name" ] } ])

To remove embedded fields:

   { $unset: [ "_id", "" ] }