How to remove padding or margin in Vuetify?

Use the hide-details option: <v-text-field hide-details></v-text-field> to remove the bottom margin, that appears because of the details field used to display details, if available.

use spacing helpers:

class="ma-0" removes margins
class="pa-0" removes padding
class="ma-0 pa-0" removes both

Note that these are also props but only for some (grid) components so for example:
<v-text-field class="pa-0"></v-text-field> will work,
and <v-text-field pa-0></v-text-field> will not work.

Classes are added on top-level element so if in some components you can't remove child-element(s) spacing with these classes, then likely you need to target relevant elements with CSS.

To avoid using !important, add custom class on the component and inspect element which you want to edit and then check what's used for targeting it - for example .v-input__slot (we only need highlighted target):

enter image description here

Then replace it like so (custom-text-field is arbitrary custom class applied to the component)

.custom-text-field.v-text-field.v-text-field--enclosed .v-input__slot {
  padding: 0;