how to remove particular element from list in python code example
Example 1: python remove element from list
myList.remove(item) # Removes first instance of "item" from myList
myList.pop(i) # Removes and returns item at myList[i]
Example 2: python remove element from list
myList = ["hello", 8, "messy list", 3.14] #Creates a list
myList.remove(3.14) #Removes first instance of 3.14 from myList
print(myList) #Prints myList
myList.remove(myList[1]) #Removes first instance of the 2. item in myList
print(myList) #Prints myList
#Output will be the following (minus the hastags):
#["hello", 8, "messy list"]
#["hello", "messy list"]
Example 3: how to delete a particular element from a list in python
# animals list
animals = ['cat', 'dog', 'dog', 'guinea pig', 'dog']
# 'dog' is removed
# Updated animals list
print('Updated animals list: ', animals)