How to remove trailing question mark from a GET form with no fields?
Without using Javascript, I'm not sure there is one. One way to alleviate the problem may be to create a hidden input that just holds some junk value that you can ignore on the other side like this:
<input type="hidden" name="foo" value="bar" />
That way you will never have an empty GET request.
In my case I'm using window.location, not sure it's the best alternative, but it's the only one I could make it work:
... if all parameters are empty
window.location = this.action;
return false;
My real use was to convert GET parameter to real url paths, so here is the full code:
var form = $(this),
paths = [];
// get paths
var self = $(this),
value = self.val();
if (value)
paths[paths.length] = value;
// always disable to prevent edge cases
self.prop('disabled', true);
if (paths.length)
this.action += paths.join('/')+'/';
window.location = this.action;
return false;